

"Ignite is a record that literally mirrors the message of what I want this project to be. Within the record It's a cross between the awakening of our consciousness to the very real topics of life as it pertains to Africa & Nigeria specifically with what we go through on a day to day and having my music be that spark that helps to further open the eyes of people to see that there is hope, there is a better way and we need everyone to do this so when I say "Tell everybody - ko ma bo" I literally mean I need everybody to join in the movement to push for better.”

"As a whole body of work I named it IGNITE because it's inner message is linked with the record with hope, inspiration, love and very real life struggle/experiences we go through. I have always wanted for my music and general creativity to break down barriers to where a female of African origin can go in the mission to raise the continent as one. Ignite is the spark of that mission it is the beginning of the "Nissi" flame...

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