The Predators

I remember very clearly that the first Christian rock band I ever witnessed in a live setting were called Thin Ice. It was the beginning of 1979 and I was still in school and had been a Christian a matter of months. Having been a heavy rock fan since I started buying music, it was a revelation to find a Christian band playing rock music. The gig was at Newcastle Poly and the band played in a venue without a stage. Afterwards, I bought their cassette (Yes! A cassette!)) which consisted of cover versions of popular rock tunes with the words adapted and changed to have a Christian message. So for example, "There's A Riot Going On" became "There's A Revival Going On". Sounds cheesy in these enlightened days and let's face it, it was but it was a starting point for the band that would change its name and become The Predators. Years later, I'm pleased to have tracked down some members of the band and invite them onto my Rimmerama programme to get a brief history of the band. Drummer Fran Joh