Marvin Sapp

Marvin Sapp has been ministering to the people and serving The Lord as a leader since 2003 when he started Lighthouse Full Life Center in Grand Rapids, MI with his now departed wife, MaLinda. For decades he believed that this would be the church from which he’d retire...never anticipating that The Lord would challenge him to leave it behind to become Senior Pastor at Chosen Vessel Cathedral, the 100-year old first Black Apostolic church of Fort Worth, Texas. Marvin was personally asked to take over the church by Senior Pastor, Bishop Richard E. Young, a longtime mentor and friend who presided over the institution for 36 years,

“Never in my wildest imagination would I have thought that, at age 52, I’d be leaving everything I fought so hard for 16 years to build - my beauty/barber business…my real estate,” Marvin marvels.