Sonic Minds

Sonic minds does exist in this constellation since 2002 which partly is due to a lucky coincidence as Jens met the current singer Sonja. Because her singing qualities have been seeked for such a long time and so necessarily needed for further development, until this point Jens had produced more or less by himself. Sonja’s punchy voice, her longtime experience as a singer of various live bands, makes her to an elementary part of sonic minds.
All are children of the 80´s and 90´s that is unmistakable. Jens’ musical embossment lasts from the former synthpop to the subsequent techno agitation, his production is supported by a multi-year piano education. All these are the ingredients of sonic minds’ philosophy to present catchy tunes packed into a danceable garment paired with profound lyrics. Up to the present several long players, eps, maxis and videos have been released, partly supported by various chummy producers.