TYA effortlessly stand out with their own spin of delicate sensual textures, ambient sounds and cinematic builds, winning the hearts of their followers with their fresh melodies, honest lyrical expressions and the way they engage with their instruments, each other and their audience.

After finding success in Far North Queensland at a young age; releasing a full-length album featuring other FNQ acts such as Emma Louise & The Medics, supporting and touring with the likes of Wolfmother, Sheppard, Eskimo Joe, Bluejuice, Ball Park Music, The Jungle Giants, The Belligerents and Birds of Tokyo to name a few, the group decided it was time to explore their sound and head south.

Over the following 12 months, Sony, Casey, Peter and Reece would go through many personal challenges that moulded them into an impassioned, persistent and excellence driven team, evolving their sound and brand into what is now TYA.

The second single from their debut EP No Money, More Love, only reaffirms TYA's new direction. Hustle eloquently incorporates a delicious concoction of guitar tones, punchy drum sounds and catchy lead vocal melody that is sure to be stuck in the listeners head for days on end.

Hustle recounts the story of a significant period in every one of the band members lives that occurred during 2016 and tackles strong themes such as drug addiction and self-image. This time brought them closer as a band and friends and shaped their lives dramatically.