Pastor Ifeoma Eze

Pastor Ifeoma Eze is an Abuja based gospel singer, who writes and receives songs revelationally. She has not only used her voice and music to inspire but also to touch lives and call down the presence of God.

Her love and passion for music started when she was young and grew over time. In 2011, she dropped her first album with 6 tracks followed by 14 tracks in 2013, she released yet another album containing 14 songs in 2016 and in 2017 she released her all-time hit album "You are Powerful"- an album that will not only intrigue you but draw you closer to the creator.
She has written over 60 gospel songs and derives great fulfilment in Worshipping God!

She is also a Pastor, Educationist, Author, Teacher, Speaker, Parasitologist, Entrepreneur, Administrator, and life-coach. Her utmost desire is to leave an indelible mark on the sands of time!